ST KITTS, 17 – 21 NOVEMBER 2024
New York, 16 March 2024
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Please NOTE
For better understanding, the forms are available in four languages (English, French, Italian and Spanish) with a language selector at the top right of the form.
Note: The forms must all be submitted in English.
Deadline: May 17th 2024, 23:59 / 11:59pm UTC/GMT
1) Official Advice to Candidates for Submission of Nominations for Election to the BPW International Executive, Regional Coordinators and Standing Committee Chairpersons
Please read in the following languages (click on flag): 🇬🇧 🇫🇷 🇮🇹 🇪🇸
2) Nomination for an Elected Position at BPW International
International President, Vice President United Nations, Vice President Membership, Executive Finance Officer, Executive Secretary, Young BPW Representative, Regional Coordinators, Chair Standing Committee.
The nomination has to be submitted by May 17th 2024, 23:59 / 11:59 pm GMT/UTC. The nomination has to be submitted in English. Refer to Section 8.3 Nomination under the Procedure Manual (2021).
3) Supporting Statement of the Federation/Affiliate Club for Endorsing a Candidate for an Elected Position with BPW International
The statement of support must be submitted by May 17th 2024, 23:59 / 11:59 pm GMT/UTC. The statement of support has to be submitted in English. Refer to Section 8.3 Nomination under the Procedure Manual (2021).
1) Resolution for Consideration
The resolution for consideration has to be submitted by May 17th 2024, 23:59 / 11:59 pm GMT/UTC. The resolution for consideration has to be submitted in English.
2) Proposed Amendment to the Constitution for BPW International
The proposed amendment has to be submitted by May 17th 2024, 23:59 / 11:59 pm GMT/UTC. The proposed amendment has to be submitted in English.
1) International Aid Fund
Please read in the following languages 🇬🇧 🇫🇷 🇮🇹 🇪🇸
> Link to online form
2) Young BPW Congress Fund
Please read in the following languages 🇬🇧 🇫🇷 🇮🇹 🇪🇸
> Link to online form