Tuesday 19th November 2024
General Assembly Business Sessions #2, 3 & 4
Credentials Desk open from 09:30 to 18:30
08:30 – 09:15 |
High Level Plenary Session in Marriott Ballroom
Irene Natividad President, Globe Women Research & Education Institute, Chair, Corporate Women Directors International and President, Global Summit of Women
09:15 – 09:45 |
Coffee / Tea / Snacks |
09:30 – 10:15 |
Credentials Check and Collection (Hallway of Ballroom) |
09:50 – 11:30
11:30 – 12:30 |
1. All Attendees to be seated by 9:50am in the Ballroom for the second day of the XXXI BPW International Congress General Assembly 2. Announcements, housekeeping by CPC 3. Welcome by President 4. Credentials Report – confirmation of voting strength 5. Adoption of Standing Orders, as adopted at the International Board Meeting 6. Adoption of Programme (online and updated) 7. Adoption of the final positions: 7.1. Chief Teller (Scrutineer) 7.2. Tellers (Scrutineers) 7.3. Chief Timekeeper 7.4. Timekeepers 8. Call for Nominations Committee to confirm Chair 9. Credentials Report - voting strength 10. All Executive Reports as presented in the congress workbook, Chapter 4, pages 57 to 94 and 112 to 113, to be moved in block 10.1. President 10.2. First Vice President – United Nations 10.3. Second Vice President – Membership 10.4. Executive Secretary 10.5. Executive Finance Officer 10.6. Young BPW Representative 11. All Regional Coordinator Reports, as presented in congress workbook, Chapter 4, pages 95 to 112, to be moved in block 11.1. Africa 11.2. Asia Pacific 11.3. Europe 11.4. Latin America 11.5. North America and The Caribbean 12. Adoption of UN Representative Reports 13. Adoption of Standing Committee Reports 14. Adoption of Taskforce Reports 15. Nominations Chair will report to the General Assembly the list of nominees for each Executive and Standing Committee position. Call for any nominations from the floor for any vacant positions. 16. Elections Chair announcements 17. Presentation of Candidates for Presidency (five (5) minutes each per candidate) Speak on their vision for the next triennium 17.1. Barrangan, Diana 17.2. Gulamani-Abdulla, Jenny 17.3. Seidita, Giuseppa 18. Elections Chair, process 19. Announcements by IP 20. Credentials Report 21. Presentation of the Financial Accounts (2021-2024) and Preliminary Budget (2025-27) 21.1. Vote on the adoption of the Financial Accounts for 2021-2024 21.2. It is moved that the Preliminary Budget's final approval be moved to the last day after all resolutions with financial implications have been voted on and adopted. 22. President thanks the members 23. Announcements 24. GA Business Session #2 Closed |
10:30 – 12:00
10:30 – 12:00
10:30 – 12:00
10:30 – 12:00
BPW Business Incubator Training and Mentoring Projects (Workshop) Carol Hanlon, Australia Grenada Conference Room
Women Supporting Women – paving the way forward via new actions and cooperative (Panel) Johanna Füten, Germany St Vincent’s Conference Room
Economic Empowerment of women through financial inclusion, government procurement, capacity building and promoting WEPs and entrepreneurship. The role of stakeholders through cooperation (Panel) Amany Asfour, Egypt St Lucia Conference Room
Equal Pay Equal Salary worldwide – searching for Ambassadors (Workshop) Judith Baumberger (Switzerland) Dominica Conference Room
12:45 – 13:45 |
LUNCH (SABA Conference Room) |
13:30 – 14:00 |
Credentials Desk open for Sign-in |
1. All Attendees to be seated by 1:55pm in the Ballroom for Business Session #3 2. Announcements, housekeeping by CPC 3. Welcome by President 4. Credentials Report – confirmation of voting strength 5. 3rd Session – Internal Resolutions, Constitution and Regulations 6. Proposed Amendments to Constitution & Regulations 7. Proposed Amendments to Constitution & Regulations 8. Proposed Amendments to Constitution & Regulations 9. Proposed Amendments to Constitution & Regulations 10. CAC Chair thanks the members and hands chair back to President 11. President thanks the members and calls for announcements from CPC 12. Announcements – CPC 13. GA Business Session #3 closed
14:30 – 16:00
14:30 – 16:00
14:30 – 16:00
14:30 – 16:00
EQ over IQ (Workshop) Anastacia Lewis, Bahamas Grenada Conference Room
Project 5.0 Action Through Cooperation (Workshop) Susan Jones, Australia St Vincent Conference Room
Vision Board and Goal Setting Workshop (Workshop) Alice Gallop West, USA St Lucia Conference Room
Women on the move – new action through collaboration for members to collect locally, unite nationally and ignite globally (Workshop) Nermin Ahmad, USA Dominica Conference Room |
16:00 – 16:30 |
Coffee / Tea / Snacks |
16:00 – 16:30 |
Credentials Desk Open for Sign-in |
16:30 – 18:30 |
1. All Attendees to be seated by 1:55pm in the Ballroom for Business Session #4 2. Announcements, housekeeping by CPC 3. Welcome by President 4. Credentials Report – confirmation of voting strength 5. 3rd Session – Internal Resolutions, Constitution and Regulations 6. Proposed Amendments to Constitution & Regulations 7. Proposed Amendments to Constitution & Regulations 8. Proposed Amendments to Constitution & Regulations 9. Proposed Amendments to Constitution & Regulations 10. CAC Chair thanks the members and hands chair back to President 11. President thanks the members and calls for announcements from CPC 12. Announcements – CPC 13. GA Business Session #4 closed |
Free time to network and prepare for evening events and check the bus departure times for the Governor General’s House Reception |
19:30 |
Evening Events Commence: ● Governor General’s House
Wednesday 20th November 2024
General Assembly Business Sessions #5, 6 & 7
Credentials Desk open from 09:30 to 18:30
08:30 – 09:15 |
High Level Plenary Session in Marriott Ballroom
UN Representatives Panel Discussion on Violence Against Women (Panel)
Moderator: Mr Cosbert Woods, UN Country Coordination Officer – St. Kitts and Nevis
Panel Members ● Ms. Dorothy Estrada Tanck - Member of the UN Human Rights Special Procedures Working Group on Discrimination Against Women and Girls (virtual participation) ● Ms. Fernanda Hopenhaym - Member of the UN Human Rights Special Procedures Working Group on Business and Human Rights (virtual participation) ● Ms. Nekirah Nicholls - Member of the UN Youth Advisory Group (YAG) for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean
09:15 – 09:45 |
Coffee / Tea / Snacks |
09:30 – 10:15 |
Credentials Check and Collection (Hallway of Ballroom) |
09:50 – 12:15
1. All Attendees to be seated by 9:50am in the Ballroom for the third day of the XXXI BPW International Congress General Assembly 2. Announcements, housekeeping by CPC 3. Welcome by President 4. Credentials Report – confirmation of voting strength 5. Report of the Nominations Committee 6. Call for nominations from the floor for vacant position(s) 7. Elections Chair, announcement of voting process for: 8. Election of BPW International President 9. Elections Chair, results of voting, announcement of next President 10. Presentation of other candidates for Vice Presidents (three (3) minutes per candidate) 11. What they would like to achieve during their term as 1. VP United Nations 2. VP Membership 12. Presentation of Candidates for Office (three (3) minutes per candidate) including: 1. Executive Secretary 2. Executive Finance Officer 3. Young BPW Representative 13. Presentation of Regional Coordinators, selected from their regions, (two (2) minutes per representative) 1. Africa 2. Asia-Pacific 3. Europe 4. Latin America 5. North America and The Caribbean 14. Presentation of Standing Committee Chairs, profiles presented via PowerPoint (their full bio included in the workbook / online app) 15. Thank you and Announcements by President 16. Announcements by CPC 17. Business Session #5 Closed
No workshops in the morning due to the election of a new International President in business session.
Join the business session, take a half day trip, rest and relax at the pool.
No workshops in the morning due to the election of a new International President in business session.
You choose, join the business session, take a half day trip, rest and relax at the pool, meet new friends.
12:15 – 13:30 |
LUNCH (SABA Conference Room) |
13:00 – 14:00 |
Credentials Desk open for Sign-in |
13:30 – 16:00 |
1. All Attendees to be seated by 1:55pm in the Ballroom for Business Session #6 2. Announcements, housekeeping by CPC 3. Welcome by President 4. Credentials Report – confirmation of voting strength 5. 5th Session – Internal Resolutions, Constitution and Regulations 6. Proposed Amendments to Constitution & Regulations 7. Proposed Amendments to Constitution & Regulations 8. Proposed Amendments to Constitution & Regulations 9. Proposed Amendments to Constitution & Regulations 10. CAC Chair thanks the members and hands chair back to President 11. Thank you and Announcements by President 12. Announcements – CPC 13. GA Business Session #6 closed
14:30 – 16:00
14:30 – 16:00
14:30 – 16:00
14:30 – 16:00
Navigating your first CSW Insights and networking of BPW Delegates (Workshop) Johanna Füten, Germany Grenada Conference Room
Projects at BPW International Antoinette Rüegg (Switzerland) St Vincent Conference Room
The Role of IFBPW at the United Nations past, present and future (Workshop) Susan O’Malley, USA St Lucia Conference Room
Recent Action on Feminist Foreign Policy within BPWI (Workshop) Christine Heinze and Nadine Lasarzewski, Germany Dominica Conference Room
16:00 – 16:30 |
Coffee / Tea / Snacks |
16:00 – 16:30 |
Credentials Desk Open for Sign-in |
16:30 – 18:30 |
1. All Attendees to be seated by 4:25pm in the Ballroom for Business Session #7 2. Announcements, housekeeping by CPC 3. Welcome by President 4. Credentials Report – confirmation of voting strength 5. 6th Session – Internal Resolutions, Constitution and Regulations 6. Proposed Amendments to Constitution & Regulations 7. Proposed Amendments to Constitution & Regulations 8. Proposed Amendments to Constitution & Regulations 9. Proposed Amendments to Constitution & Regulations 10. CAC Chair thanks the members and hands chair back to President 11. Thank you and Announcements by the President 12. Announcements – CPC 13. GA Business Session #7 closed
Free time to network and prepare for evening events
19:30 |
Evening Events Commence: ● Gala & Awards Dinner (Saba Room)
Thursday 21st November 2024
General Assembly Business Sessions #8, 9 & 10
Credentials Desk open from 09:30 to 18:30
08:30 – 09:15 |
High Level Plenary Session in Marriott Ballroom
Myrna Tang Yao President, Founder and CEO of Richprime Global Inc and Richwell Trading Corporation, President and Founder of the Federation of BPW Philippines
09:15 – 09:45 |
Coffee / Tea / Snacks |
09:30 – 10:15 |
Credentials Check and Collection (Hallway of Ballroom) |
09:50 – 12:00 |
1. All attendees to be seated for business session #8 2. Announcements CPC 3. Welcome by President 4. Credentials Report – confirmation of voting strength 5. Ratification of updated Constitution and Regulations
6. Elections Chair, announcement of voting process for:
2. Executive Secretary 3. Executive Finance Officer 4. Young BPW Representative 5. Regional Coordinators a. Africa b. Asia-Pacific c. Europe d. Latin America e. North America and The Caribbean 6. Standing Committee Chairs a. Agriculture b. Arts and Culture c. Business, Trade and Technology d. Development, Training and Employment e. Environment and Sustainable Development f. Health g. Legislation h. Projects i. Public Relation 7. Elections Chair, results of voting
No workshops in the morning due to the election of a new International Board in business session.
You choose, join the business session, take a half day trip, rest and relax at the pool, meet new friends.
12:00 – 13:00 |
LUNCH (SABA Conference Room) |
12:00 – 13:15 |
Credentials Desk open for Sign-in |
13:15 – 14:15
14:25 – 15:15 |
1. All attendees to be seated in the Ballroom for the Business Session #9 2. Announcements - CPC 3. Welcome by the President 4. Credentials Report – confirmation of voting strength 5. Handover to Resolutions Chair 6. 3rd Session Resolutions 7. Resolutions 8. Resolutions 9. Resolutions 10. Resolutions Chair hands Chair back to President 11. President announces a 10 minute break 12. GA Business Session #9 Closed
1. All attendees to be seated in the Ballroom for Business Session #10 2. Valedictory/Farewell Speech President Dr Catherine Bosshart (three (3) minutes) 3. Installation of Incoming Executive 4. Inaugural speech of new President (five (5) minutes) 5. Presentations of Bids for the XXXII BPW International Congress 2027 (five (5) minutes per presentation) 6. Close of the XXXI BPW International Congress 2024 7. Thank you and announcements by the President 8. Announcements 9. GA Business Session #10 Closed
14:30 – 16:00
14:30- 16:00
14:30 – 16:00
Empowering BPW Green Ambassadors for a Green and Sustainable future (Workshop) Siiri Tiivits-Puttonen, Estonia Grenada Conference Room
Uniting Women for world wide cooperation within the BPW context – Canada (Workshop) Jenni Gulamani-Abdulla, Canada St Lucia Conference Room
Empowering the next generation of leaders (Panel) Lisa Fong, Hong Kong Dominica Conference Room
15:15 – 15:45 |
Coffee / Tea / Snacks |
15:15 – 15:45 |
Credentials Desk Open for Sign-in |
15:45 – 18:30 |
International Post-Congress 80th Board Meeting (Ballroom) 1. President’s opening remarks 2. Roll Call of Board Members 3. Observers 4. Apologies 5. Credential Report – confirmation of voting strength 6. Appointment of Minutes Secretary 7. Adoption of Standing Orders / Rules of Debate 8. Any other Business Items for the agenda 9. Approval of the agenda 10. Appointment of Parliamentarians (Chief Parliamentarian) 11. Appointment of Teller/Scrutineer and Timekeeper 12. Minutes of previous International 78th Board Meeting (17th November) 13. Matters Arising from the minutes 14. Handover meetings will take place on 22nd November 15. Procedure Manual proposed amendment(s) 16. XXXII Congress announcement 17. XXXIII Congress forms will be sent out regarding applications for the 100th Anniversary 18. Dissolution of General Assembly Committees 19. Any other business 20. Announcements 21. Close of the 80th International Board Meeting |
Free time to network and prepare for evening events
Free time to network and prepare for evening events
19:30 |
Evening Events Commence: ● Farewell Dinner
Post Congress
Friday 22nd November 2024
09:00 – 11:00 |
Handover Meetings (concurrently)
BPW International Executive - SABA Conference Room
o You need to bring with you for provision of signature: ▪ A copy of passport, ▪ Proof of your address (e.g. power or utilities bill), ▪ And for specific signatories for the bank account, bank reference letter (e.g. President, EFO, VPs)
Standing Committee Chairs - St Lucia Conference Room
11:00 – 11:30 |
Coffee / Tea / Snacks |
11:45 – 13:45 |
SABA Conference Room - New BPW International Executive Meeting, strategic planning, calendar of events for the next 12 months, next meeting dates
13:45 – 14:45 |
Lunch – La Cucina |
14:45 – 18:00
SABA Conference Room - Continuation of new BPW International Executive Meeting, strategic planning, calendar of events for the next 12 months, next meeting dates.